Salesforce Resources to Ensure Job Security



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MinuteAdmin Newsletter

Presented by: Kaelan Moss


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Hey Reader,


From the laptop πŸ’» of Kaelan Moss


RE: Essential Salesforce Resources.

In light of the world economy and inflation...


It’s more important than ever to have skills that will carry you through tough times like these.


Some people are scrambling to find new jobs after losing theirs...


While others are continuing life as normal.


How is one group struggling while another group is secure?


The difference is in the skills.


Tech skills are in demand and NEEDED in times of pleasure as well as times of crises.


And some of the best tech skills you can have are Salesforce skills.


A ton of salesforce jobs are 100% remote.


Now is the time for you (or someone you know) to start learning skills that will secure you in times of crisis.


These tech skills are important for you to know.


So we devoted a team here at ​MinuteAdmin​ to collect our favorite resources.


We’ve used these resources in our Salesforce journey to take our skills and knowledge to the next level.

Salesforce Resources:


Resource # 1​
A Free Salesforce Org.
What better way to practice & hone your skills than your own practice environment where you can’t mess anything up?


You can even link it to Salesforce Trailhead to do projects. #Freedom



Resource # 2​
This high-quality
Salesforce Career Development Program helps people land Salesforce jobs and supports them every step of the way.


I can't say enough about the leadership and community at this company. They have an A+ community and members land Salesforce jobs fast.


Resource # 3​
The Salesforce Admins Blog​
If you’re a Salesforce Admin looking for best practices, tips & tricks, insights, and career advice, this blog is for you.


I really like the article 6 Skills Salesforce Admins Need to Succeed by Juliette Warren. You should also check out the article: How to Transition from a Salesforce Admin into a Marketing Cloud Admin.



Resource # 4​
Salesforce Ben​
Started by Ben McCarthy, a Salesforce MVP.


Ben has articles that range from 50 Most Popular Salesforce Interview Questions & Answers for first-time Salesforce job seekers all the way to guest articles about Salesforce Marketing Champions: Here’s How You Can Stand Out.


Resource # 5​
The Salesforce Admin Podcast​
Hosted by Mike Gerholdt, it gives Salesforce admins some insight into what other admins in the Salesforce community are up to and how they’re utilizing Salesforce to be the best admins they can be!


Great for listening to on your drive to work!


Resource # 6​
Started by David Liu, a Technical Architect at Google and a Salesforce MVP.


David gives DETAILED Step-by-Step guides to becoming a Salesforce Developer in 14 weeks.


I think it’s great when members of the Salesforce developer community create courses to help others learn how to code in Salesforce. It’s #Beautiful



Resource # 7​
Trailblazer Mentorship​
If you’re looking for Salesforce tips and advice salesforce, Trailblazer Mentorship is a great platform for people who want to get a Salesforce Mentor.

Resource # 8​
Salesforce Military​
If you’ve served in the Military (Veteran’s and Spouses alike) you can
benefit from free Salesforce certifications and training.


Making it that much easier to take your tech skills to the next level!


Register with Salesforce Military here.

Bonus Resource:

​Full Marketing Cloud Course​
If you’re searching for a specific career in the Salesforce ecosystem that provides plenty of job opportunities and has a shortage of talented individuals, Marketing Cloud is the route for you.


Check out our Full Marketing Cloud Course, which includes access to a Marketing Cloud Facebook group and a monthly community call to help you get the Marketing Cloud job you want.

Actionable Quote:


"We do not need, and indeed never will have, all the answers before we act ... It is often through taking action that we can discover some of them."


~ Charlotte Bunch

With this quote in mind, remember to execute on all of the resources here.
Which resources have you used in your Salesforce journey?

Hit Reply and let me know!


Until next time my friend.

Kaelan Moss - MinuteAdmin, Out. ✌🏽

When you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:


If you want to learn Marketing Cloud & get certified, I’d recommend starting with a value-packed course. ​Join 2,000+ students here​.


Each week I use tools that make me more productive. I only recommend tools that I like. So here you go - Organize your thoughts and systemize your work with ​Notion​.

MinuteAdmin Courses

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