14 Marketing Cloud Job Roles



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MinuteAdmin Newsletter

Presented by: Kaelan Moss


Hey Reader,


Here's a list of every Marketing Cloud job role I've seen.


πŸ’Ό Marketing Cloud Job Opportunities:

🌟 Remote full-time position for SFMC​
🌟 Salesforce Marketing Cloud Specialist​
πŸ‘‰ View More Opportunities​

Depending on when you see these (the jobs may or may not still be available).

Let me know if you got a job through any of these links. It would be cool to chat with you!

πŸš€ Learn with Trailhead

πŸ“š Enhance Your Skills!​
Discover new Marketing Cloud skills with these curated Trailmixes!


​Email Specialist Trailmix​

​Explore Trailmix →​


​MC Admin Trailmix​

​Explore Trailmix →​


​MC Developer Trailmix​

​Explore Trailmix ​→​

πŸ’­ Quote of the Week

"Be willing to try something 1000 times before you say it's hard."

- Alex Hormozi


πŸ‘‰ How often do you give up on something and say it's too hard when you've only tried it once?

This week, work on something until you master it.

If it takes you 1000 tries, do it.

If you can't figure something out after trying to solve it 1000 times, then you can say it's hard.

This is the mentality I want to start using in my life.

I want to work so hard that "hard" things melt away through sheer persistence.

Don't give up... Keep going.

I'm cheering you on!

- Kaelan Moss

Kaelan Moss - MinuteAdmin Out ✌🏽

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104
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